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By-Laws of Giving Hope, Inc.



Article 1:  Preamble                                                            

None Profit Organization.


Rules governing the day to day running of the NGO:




Article 2: Name, Acronym and Logo

Given Hope Inc. (GHI  )


Article 3: Applicable laws and legal status

Connecticut, United State


Article 4: Sphere of activities

Establishing high quality schools, Capacity Building, Community Education

Awareness, Training and development of youth. 


Article 5:  Location and Duration


In New haven, CT, USA.

209 Rose Street EXT East haven CT. Unlimited


Article 6: Aims, Visions and Mission


Establishing schools in the villages and rural areas in Ghana.

Make quality education affordable and accessible to the poor, the needy and the dropouts.

Impacting the gospel of Jesus Christ in the souls and hearts of future leaders and citizens.

Mission: Making high quality education and training affordable and accessible for every child from all walks of life and faith.    ( Impacting the gospel of Jesus Christ in the souls and hearts of future leaders and citizens by providing affordable and accessible education and training

Vision: To produce leaders and citizens who have the fear of God and well educated and trained to lead the future.


Article 7: Organizational Structure


Board of Directors:


Vice President (can be eliminated)



Officer (can be eliminated)


Executive Staff:

Executive Director

Program Assistant (Manage all finance and budget)




Article 8: Composition

3 members





The Executive Director of the NGO is also a member in the Board of Directors


Article 9: Eligibility

Qualified individuals identified by the incorporators of the NGO. Minimum qualification should have at least a university degree or equivalent experience.


Article 10: Selection and Appointment

Nomination and selection by the incorporators  and upon their final approval and agreement to serve on the NGO’s board


Article 11: Term of Office

3 years


Article 12: Vacancies

Vacancies in the Board's membership be handled by nomination by the incorporators and the executive director and selection by the NGO’s members of the current board  and upon their final approval and agreement to serve on the NGO’s board


Article 13: Duties and Functions of the Board

Review NGO’s financials

Setting of NGO’s rules and guidelines

Suggesting possible funders


Article 14: Decision-making.

Decisions will be taken in Board meetings by simple majority vote following the procedure and quorum for a decision to be accepted and implemented


Article 15: Press statements

Press Statements that reflect the proceedings and functioning of the Board meeting or NGO's activities will only be issued by the Executive Director.


Article 16: Meetings.

As suggested and presented by the executive director and the president of the board

The Executive Director will call for board meetings


Article 17: Quorum

The minimum quorum needed to call for a Board meeting, for the proceedings to take place, and for decisions to be taken is 2 members or two third


Article 18:  Resignation

If a Board Member wishes to resign from his/her position, that board member needs to inform the executive director through the board


Article 19: Removal

A board member may be removed from office under the following circumstances:

Conflict of interest

Inappropriate conduct

Absent from board meetings 3 times on the role without informing  




Article 20:  Running.

The following committees will be set up to support the functioning of the NGO:

Funding, media, strategy/policy/project development etc.).

Funding Committee

Education committee


Article 21: Aims and Responsibilities

These committees will be set up to seek funding from local, national and international funders including private and government sectors as well as individual donors

Subcommittees will help the executive directors in the general work of the NGO


Article 22: Election and Term of office

The executive director is responsible of creating and naming the committees as well as selecting of its members and terms of office



Article 23: Duties and Responsibilities

The functions perform by committee members is to undertake the duties outlined by the executive director




Article 24: Annual Audit.

The administration and finances of the NGO will be audited annually.

The report will be presented to Executive Director.

Any misconduct found in the report will be subject to disciplinary measures leading / up to prosecution. 




Article 25: Definition

Staff will be regular employees who work on either full time or part time basis. Also will include independent contractors as needed. Staff are paid employees


Article 26: 

Duties and roles of staff members depend on the need of the NGO


Article 27: Hiring and dismissal

All individuals being hired are subject to completing a job application, and interview with the executive director who will make the final hiring decision.




Article 28: Sources and uses.

The nature of (financial) resource needs of the NGO includes but not limited to: Local, national

 and international funders including private and government sectors as well as individual donors. Announced grants and requests for proposals


 Article 29: Initial Capital and Assets

The initial capital needs of the NGO will be a three acres of land worth about $15,000.00


Article 30: Funding Raising.

Through local, national and international funders including private and government sectors as well as individual donors. Announced grants and requests for proposals

The executive director is responsible to set up the fundraising policy in coordination with the treasurer and the program assistant.






Article 31: Fiscal year/Financial Year

January 1 through December 31

Article 28: Applicable law and Court

Connecticut Law

Connecticut Judiciary System


Article 32: Dissolution.

Upon a decision from the incorporators and final approval from the board of directors as well at the executive director


Article 33: Liquidation profit.

After satisfying the NGO debt and pay all of the debtors, all other liquid assets will be donated to the local charity




Article 34: Coming into force.

The By-Laws comes into force when the first meeting is conducted

All members will be informed about the by laws


Article 35: Validity, and extension of validity, of By-Laws

The by-laws is valid indefinitely unless amended by the board of directors


Article 36: Additions, modifications and amendments to Articles

By request from the executive director and approval from the board of directors

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